Autumn Heating Tips

The kids have gone back to school, you’re digging out your winter coat and there’s a definite chill in the morning air. Yes, it’s time to consider turning the heating back on. Autumn is here and so are Complheat’s autumn heating tips.

But this time around, you’re going to get the most out of your heating system with the help of Complheat and our compilation of useful tips to consider.

We have collected some tricks and tips to help keep in the heat and save energy over the coming autumn months as we tend to use more energy at this time of the year by turning lights on earlier, using more hot water and keeping the heating on to warm up our homes.

Firstly, you should bleed all of your radiators at the start of heating season as this lets out any trapped air that may have got caught in the system and causes the radiators to heat inefficiently. Check out our blog on bleeding your radiators successfully here.

autumn heating tips

Next clean out your gutters. Fallen leaves can make your drainpipes more likely to block, meaning your pipes could overflow causing damp inside the house. Taking the small step of ridding them of any unwanted greenery will unquestionably prove worthwhile. You can also purchase a drain cover online for extra protection of your domestic drains.

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, now is definitely the time to get one. With a programmable thermostat, you can set the temperature colder during the night when you’re asleep and during the day if everyone’s away at work and school. Remember, for every degree you lower your thermostat, you save about 2 percent on your heating bill.

When installing a thermostat, it should be placed away from any cold or heat sources. An interior wall away from drafts and sunlight is a good location. Contact Complheat for our help in fitting a thermostat. Check out our blog here about the benefits of using a thermostat in your home.

Make sure to check all windows and doors to see if there are any unsealed openings or broken hinges that could allow heat to escape as reducing air leaks can cut as much as 10 percent a month from your household energy bill.
The most common air leak areas are doors, windows, floors, walls, ceilings, ducts, fireplaces, plumbing penetrations, vents and electrical outlets. So make sure you seal them up! Weatherstripping and caulking are probably the least expensive, simplest and most effective methods for conserving energy in autumn. Use locks on windows to make them tighter and draft-resistant. Insulate, or increase the amount of insulation in, the attic, basement and walls.

Additionally, draught excluders are a good, cheap way to help insulation and to keep the heat in for external doors. As for internal doors, leave them open to allow warm air to circulate. Some rooms will be warmer than others depending on how much sun they are exposed to, so opening doors will allow the heat to circulate.

autumn heating tips

Radiator panels can also be effective. Place them behind radiators that are fixed to external walls to reflect heat back in to the room. For maximum efficiency, move furniture away from radiators to allow heat to circulate and make sure radiators are not covered by any long, heavy curtains.

Try to limit your use of portable heaters as they’re incredibly expensive to power. If you’re looking to make some autumn savings, then it is much cheaper and smarter to heat your home with your boiler.

Speaking of boilers, can you remember the last time you had your boiler serviced? Having it checked out during the early weeks of autumn will help to ensure that your boiler works efficiently throughout the bitter winter months – the time of the year when you do not want to be without heating!

autumn heating tips

As we all know, boilers go wrong and usually at the most awkward times. Being without hot water, heating, or both, is both inconvenient and uncomfortable especially in the winter.

Complheat Heating & Plumbing are equipped to provide an expert boiler repairs service in Liverpool and can recommend more efficient new boilers at competitive prices that can actually save you money in the long-term and all year around – not just autumn. Get in touch to see how we can help you save energy and money over autumn!

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